Saturday, September 11, 2010


Well here it is 3 years later and i finely found my blog , sad isen't , well all is going ok , since my last post my father in law has passed away 3yr's now , and just 2 weeks ago i lost my Fav aunt , it has been a rough year it took us 7 months to close on a home , and the kids well there not to happy with us right now , but they will get over it , they have chosen to have & lead there own live's up in Ny , we perfer to stay where the winters are mild & hardly any snow , lots of sunshine & in the country !!! I am going to try And keep this where i can find it more often .
Maybe some day they will learn we won't be here for ever , and they will make trips here to visit & bring my grandkids , I really do miss them alot . I tried to get my kids to understand that this is there home state , and as they say home is where the heart is . My mom's side of our family is dyeing off , but there are still a few left 3 to be excate . We are not getting any younger and we wanted to be close to home in case anything happened , there was no way we were going to be buried in that god for saken state of NY !!! Maybe our kids will forgive us some day and start coming around , my youngest daughter first needs to apoligze to me first , I foegive her for how she has sopken to me in the last year , in my heart & to god but have yet to hear her apoligize to me , I taught my kids to respect there elders , but she takes the cake , to my kids I love you all dearly , & may God watch over you all & keep you safe , Mom